(Channelled from my spirit guides)
There are many messages coming at you from various sources that paint the changes in the world as having adverse outcomes for humans. And some of the changes that are taking place are not for the greatest good of the people, and we understand that you could rightfully become worried and concerned.
It helps to remember that you have specifically chosen to incarnate at this time in the Earth's history; it is not by coincidence.
The world is going through a significant period of change. It's like the cracking open of an egg, painful but necessary for a new life or a new way of living to be born. And you are here to be instrumental in that. Your energy is to be used to help birth a higher vibrational world.
You may wonder how you can contribute; you may think that what you can contribute might only be small. Those aspects do not matter. What does matter is that you format the energy that you have brought with you and shaped in a particular way, to best merge with that of other lightworkers to fashion a higher vibrational world.
How do you do this? The initial steps are to firstly avoid buying into the fear that the changes are bringing about. It helps no one if you move into the lower vibrational frequencies and feel fearful, react to fearful thoughts and emotions, and behave fearfully.
And secondly to live your best life; to live in joy and love as much as possible because this raises the energy of yourself, of those around you, and ultimately of the world. If this means you join movements that rail against what you see as negative steps in the wrong direction, then do that. If that way of living does not call you, then that is OK too; simply focus on being in the highest vibration possible.
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